Join our webinar on DSS and data driven services and AI libraries

On January 28, 2025, our second DATA CELLAR webinar is taking place. Titled “DATA CELLAR’ s Decision Support System and data-driven services/AI libraries”, we will have an interactive workshop carefully designed for experts to share progress made through DATA CELLAR in delivering an interoperable Data Space capable of serving the demanding Energy Communities.

As is well known, we are collectively working to deliver a rich and accessible “Data Spaces” concept to serve energy transition optimally. We all know that our collective efforts are bringing nearer that day that data is available, accessible and used where it matters for achieving high levels of efficiencies and optimal use of available resources in the interconnected energy system that can deliver the zero-emission economy that we all work for.

Our cluster of energy data spaces projects DATACELLAR, ENERSHARE, EDDIE, SYNERGIES and OMEGA-X working closely with Int:net and IDSA has generated valuable results, and it is important that we share and learn from each other for faster growth in achieving the identified objectives.

We will count with presentations from some of our partners. A presentation on Decision Support System and Digital Twin by CIRCE and CERTH, and a second one about AI Services for local energy communities by LINKS Foundation.

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