RINA Consulting leading the digital energy transition with DATA CELLAR


RINA Consulting S.p.A. (RINA C) provides a wide range of engineering consultancy services covering the whole project life cycle from feasibility and specialized technical studies to conceptual and detailed design, prototyping and testing, project management, site engineering as well as operation and maintenance management. Working alongside Clients as a trusted technical partner, RINA Consulting provides a wide range of traditional and innovative services to critical industry sectors, including oil & gas, power, renewables, transport & mobility, space & defence, and infrastructure sectors. As such, RINA Consulting offers high-end services to investors, promoters, operators and contractors, as well as to insurers and public administrations, to support their initiatives. Innovation is a key element in all our projects; RINA Consulting has a proven experience in helping its clients develop their new products and services as well as managing their collaborative innovation processes.  

In particular, the Energy Digital Innovation group that coordinates this project follows R&D projects in the energy sector with a strong digital component, either as coordinator or as a partner; the group also provides digital consultancy by supporting clients in their digitalisation process and leveraging digital technologies to improve their operations. Finally, it deals with digital transformation, developing custom digital solutions for both clients and internal teams in order to change how the business operates and delivering value to customers. 

Which is the role of RINA in DATA CELLAR? 

RINA-C is the coordinator of DATA CELLAR, responsible for the management of the project and supervision of all the activities carried out in the various WPs. In particular, it is responsible for checking that the objectives are achieved within the established deadlines, managing the technical aspects of the project by organizing official project meetings such as periodic progress meetings and reviews with the European Commission; it is also responsible for controlling over the timely implementation of the project’s duties by the beneficiaries, including inputs for Periodic Reports and for the Final Report, the preparation of Deliverables by the lead beneficiaries. RINA-C is also in charge of administrative, financial and contractual management activities. As project coordinator, it fosters collaboration with other projects and initiatives both in the energy data space and energy communities field to promote the solutions proposed by the project and advance the digital green energy transition. Moreover, RINA leads the activities related to the validation of the platform by collecting data from the different validation cases, gathering feedback and evaluating the project KPIs. It is also in charge of developing Business Models to promote DATA CELLAR and attract new stakeholders and defining an exploitation strategy. 

Why is RINA important for DATA CELLAR? 

Being able to access and exploit the vast amount of energy data available at the European level is a key aspect of creating a single market for data that will foster Europe’s global competitiveness around the data economy and at the same time promote the green energy transition in line with the Fit for 55 objectives. For RINA, having the opportunity to actively participate in this change is of great interest. In addition, DATA CELLAR is a pilot project for the construction of a single energy data space at the European level which proposes innovative solutions based on open standards that guarantee the exchange of data securely and transparently, data sovereignty and thus allow greater participation at the consumer level. Being part of the decision-making process for the creation of this ecosystem, which is constantly evolving, is important for RINA to be aligned with the most innovative solutions on the European scene and to be able to contribute to the digital energy transition firsthand. 


RINA stands out as a leading participant in European Research, Development & Innovation (R&D&I) programmes, actively contributing across diverse technical areas and industrial sectors. With over 150 ongoing R&D projects, we rank second among industrial participants in both Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. Collaborating with RINA offers significant benefits, including access to our extensive expertise, innovative solutions, and established networks.