Answer this survey and contribute to the development of DATA CELLAR

The purpose is to carry out a thorough scanning of potential market needs, benefits, and societal values for of such an energy data space
Answer this survey

Data hub for the Creation of Energy communities at Local Level and to Advance Research on them (DATA CELLAR) is an innovation project funded by the European Union that involves 31 partners from 15 countries. DATA CELLAR aims to create a single Energy data market to support Europe’s global competitiveness and sovereignty to support the development and management of Local Energy Communities (LECs).

Our goal is to unlock the potential of available and accessible big data to support the development of solutions, services and business models, that can counteract the effects of climate change.

Why are we organising this data collection?

The first activity within DATA CELLAR is a data collection. The purpose of the survey is to perform a first assessment of the potential market needs, benefits, and definition of the value that society might give to an energy data space, with the help of potential users.

The data gathered will be anonymous unless you specifically request to be acknowledged. Additionally, the data collected will be eliminated from all records when it will be no longer needed, or maximum five years after the project completion.

In the survey, you will be asked to respond to questions related to your connection to DATA CELLAR, your literacy about data spaces and data management, your knowledge and involvement in LECs, some demographical questions and about data technology.

Access the questionnaire following this link.

For more information, please, contact our project partner EDP, concretely: HUMERTO QUEIROZ –